2024-2025 Audition Information
Monday, January 27, 2025
(Beginning at 6:30 p.m.)
FSO School of Music*
BGSU Firelands Campus
1 University Drive
Huron, OH 44839
*The school of Music is located in Mylander Hall on the BGSU Firelands campus.
- Please prepare a vocal selection that best demonstrates your musical abilities.
- Singers will also be given a piece to prepare in advance & go through exercises for sight reading & vocal range.
Auditionees should register in advance, by sending an e-mail to:
Jody Chaffee, Personnel Manager

Auditions are typically held in the spring or summer for the following season. Singers may be asked to re-audition. Singers not accepted into the chorale for a season are encouraged to re-audition for the following season. If at any time a singer is unable to continue with the season/chorale, auditions will be announced immediately for replacement.

About Us
The Firelands Symphony Chorale is an auditioned choir of singers that serves as chorus-in-residence for the Firelands Symphony Orchestra. Under the direction of Michael Shirtz, the chorale performs with the orchestra throughout the season, as well as presents additional concerts and choral festival performances. Committed to providing choral music to multigenerational singers, the chorale performs classical, contemporary, and traditional choral music programming offering singers the opportunity for concentrated study, rehearsal, and performance of repertoire. The FSO Chorale also engages in educational programs, retreats, and masterclasses for singers and choir directors to support regional choral ensembles.
The concept of the FSO Chorale began in 2015 with the premier of Maestro Carl Topilow’s 10th Season with the FSO. Due to the popularity of the event, the chorale is now a permanent fixture within the FSO, joining the full orchestra several times during the season as well as presenting their annual “Songs of Thanksgiving” concerts and Masterworks concerts with the FSO’s chamber orchestra. The chorale has premiered new compositions by composers Euan Stevenson, Matthew Kennedy, Patrick Prejean, and worked with artists-in-residence soprano Kirsten C. Kunkle and tenor C. Andrew Blosser.
Michael Shirtz
Chorale Director

Membership Requirements
Singers sign a membership agreement for the FSO Chorale upon their acceptance. Members are unpaid volunteers, but there is no registration fee or dues to participate in the chorus. Singers are provided with membership benefits, vocal training and educational programs, and meals pending program schedules. Additionally, singers may use some items as tax deductions and will be notified by the orchestra when appropriate.
The group is designed as both a self-study and group-rehearsed ensemble. It is the expectation that singers commit to prepare their music prior to rehearsals and be prepared and engaged in full rehearsals for performances. A required vocal retreat at the beginning of each season reviews repertoire singers will be performing throughout the season to introduce music and help guide singers in preparation for repertoire for rehearsals and concerts.